Affiliate Promotions

Special cash for you! Just drive traffic to and ! You will receive upto1,800 USD if you can get First time depositors on current month more than your previous month’s number As follows :

If you get the number of First time depositor more than previous month as follows :

More 5 FTDs from previous month : $25 on top of earnings
More 15FTDs from previous month : $100 on top of earnings
More 30FTDs from previous month : $250 on top of earnings
More 50 FTDs from previous month : $500on top of earnings
More 80 FTDs from previous month : $700 on top of earnings
More 150 FTDs from previous month : $1800 on top of earnings

Simple and Easy! If you wish to participate in this promotion. Please send us email to to participate this promotion within 10th of the month

Ps. This promotion is started from 1st June 2018 and is not to be combined with any other customized deal.